Original Image (from my own camera):
Editing Using Picnik:
1) Cropped the image
2) Increased saturation to 29
3) Decreased exposure to -14
4) Increased contrast to 68
5) Increased sharpness to 40
6) Text Tool
Editing Using Sumo Paint:
1) Smudging Tool (Oil Brush) on both coffee cups
2) Free Transform/Rotate Tool on the purse
3) Crop Image
4) Text Tool
5) Transform Text
6) Gradient Tool
7) Star Tool (creates the stars filled with chosen gradient)
8) Paint Bucket Tool
After this project I would certainly use Picnik over Sumo Paint. I think if I had some training with Sumo Paint it would have been a great tool (it reminded me a lot of Photoshop), but being that I have no training, I felt like what I was doing was all guesswork. Picnik, on the other hand, was very simple to use. I missed last class where this assignment was explained, so I'm not sure if there was a chance to try out the programs, but I had no trouble navigating my way around Picnik, all the options were clearly labelled and fairly self-explanatory, and I'm happier with the final product.
Like your images. I enjoyed using Picnik but I didn't play with contrast or saturation. I will definitely try it as I live your first image!